Specification of ACTIONs

The committee for which this `system' has evolved is not an executive committee, so I cannot mark items for `action' by specific committee members. However, I do mark, with a dagger in the margin, specific items on which the Chairman and I think that the committee needs a progress report at the next meeting. This could easily be changed to mark `actions': it would probably require an extra, third, argument to the \progress command, which is described below, to specify the relevant committee member(s).

The \progress command, defined in MINUTES.STY, specifies what is to happen for each item marked for a progress report. It has two arguments: a `title' to be used for the item, and a `label' for the item. As well as putting a dagger in the margin the \progress command puts a LATEX label at the item, and puts an entry into an extra file, here EXAMPLE.AGA, so that the `title' and item-number are included in the ``Matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting'' part of the Agenda for the next meeting. To assist in the production of the next set of minutes a LATEX index file is also produced containing a list of the `titles' and `labels'.